Saturday, September 17, 2011

Semana Libre

One week traveling in a microbus aka an oversized mini van through Guatemala and Belize with my new family results in way too many individual stories to write about. The following is a list of highlights from our trip in chronological order. We spent 2 nights in Semuc Champay, 1 night in Tikal, 3 nights in Belize, and 1 night in Rio Dulce. If you want to know more about one or another, google it first for some awesome images (my camera died day two) and then I get share the full details with you.

  1. Traveled for 8 days with my new family
  2. Swam through the “Cave of Death” while holding a candle over my head in Semuc Champay
  3. Climbed up a ladder while a waterfall poured down on me in the same cave
  4. Jumped off a cliff into a running river in the same cave
  5. Visited a rural clinic in Lanquin with no anestia or x-rays after Korrin dislocated her shoulder in the cave
  6. Drank Nutella vodka shots with the hotel dueno/geologist who mapped the cave of death
  7. Climbed temples in Tikal that were built over 2000 years ago
  8. Saw monkeys, toucans, and other jungle animals living in the wild
  9. Crossed the border to Belize – country number 5!
  10. Slept 50 feet from the ocean
  11. Enjoyed the stars, moon, and lightening on a lounge chair in Placentia, Belize
  12. Snorkeled off Silk Caye, an isolated island chain (think island screensaver picture) with white sand beaches, no people, 30+ varieties of fish
  13. BBQ lunch on the same island
  14. Swam with sea turtles, nurse sharks, and eagle rays at the Belize Barrier Reef (second largest in the world after the Great Barrier Reef)
  15. Visited the private island of Hatchet Caye for drinks with our new Belizean friends
  16. Drank pineapple daiquiri and margarita while staring at the ocean
  17. Boated into the sunset after a great day on the ocean
  18. Sang along to music and drank with friends in our beach cabana
  19. Stayed the night in a jungle tree house above Rio Dulce
  20. Ate delicious food including creole shrimp, chicken quesadillas, Bolognese
  21. Returned home feeling exhausted and totally fulfilled from a great week

Despite a few hiccups here and there, this was a trip of a lifetime, which I hope to repeat. We learned a lot about each other and shared an amazing experience. I did things that many people can only dream of and saw sights that are far more beautiful than can be captured in a photograph. There are many places I would like to visit again and new places I have been inspired to visit from this trip. If you need any more reasons to visit Guatemala or Belize, you must be crazy. This trip was unbelizeable!!!

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