Sunday, September 4, 2011

Oaxaca Summary

After 30 hours of transit, 1700 pesos, gallons of rain, and warm days …

Things I learned in Oaxaca

  1. A community can rise up against the government when united
  2. Dresses fair better in the rain
  3. Rain jackets are only impermeable to a point
  4. Mezcal makes for a worse hangover than tequila (I did not experience this only watched)
  5. Toilet seats are a luxury

What I am going to do with what I learned

  1. Share information with other people
  2. Move to Oaxaca if I don’t get into medical school
  3. Look into forensic anthropology and archeology programs
  4. Read more about architecture
  5. Take more time for myself to relax and reflect

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