Monday, August 15, 2011

Discotecas and Electricity

Thursday night after salsa we went to a Mediterranean restaurant. Harim and I shared kabob, seafood lasagna, and garlic bread. The kabob and side were pita style garlic bread triangles. The lasagna had real mozzarella cheese (so rare here) and the seafood flavor was minimal. Easily the best meal I have had in Xela.

After dinner, we head to Student Bar – Logan and Molly’s favorite stomping grounds. It looks similar to what I imagine a European dance club to be. It happened to be ladies night and tequila shots were 2 for 5Q (less than $1)! This was a crazy good deal – I have been paying 15-25Q a tequila shot. It was the last night in Xela for Corrina, one of our new friends (she grew up in Xela but goes to college in Arkansas), so we celebrated with her.

We recollected the group and went to La Duende, a discoteca recommended by Corrina. Half the group went home and the other half was ready to get down. This club played the best selection of music by far in Xela. It was a great combination of popular music here and in the US. We have started to recognize the most popular songs here. I like Spanish pop a lot. We danced for hours and hours. There was a fog machine and strobe lights. My favorite part was how much everyone was dancing. We all danced in a big group – sometimes together and sometimes independently. We took turns dancing with the boys as well, which is always an interesting time. The boys improved mucho with some liquid hip shakers and were set. I liked that we were not being leached upon by Guatemalans (like at our previous club experience). We were the only foreigners here and most people seemed to come in mixed groups of girls and guys. That must mean we came to a good spot!

The night ended with a bit of drama between Logan’s new friends, some entitled wealthy chico, who said some not so nice racial comments to two of our girls. I was not affected directly other than I was chasing after one of the girls who was trying to walk home alone in a fury. Sometimes I hate my motherly instincts because I feel responsible for drunk people.

Friday we went to try out a new spot, Zona Cero. It is on the same block as Thursday night. However, when we walked to the club, the power went out. We thought just the street light went out overhead but it was all of Xela. Blackouts are not uncommon in Xela (we have experienced 3) but they usually only last an hour. We decided to continue on to the club and found it to be sin (without) electricity also. We sat at some elevated tables and drank and talked by candlelight. Being the dork that I am, I had my mini flashlight in my purse. This came in handy for the dark trips to the bano. The moment we decided to leave to find somewhere else that may have power, the music suddenly started. I think the club was eager to maintain our business and everyone else’s. They must have had a generator because when we left later there was still no power in the streets. The music was alright but not quite as fun as the night before.

I plan to dance quite a bit here. As always I am down to dance for hours. Fortunately several people here are the same. Many more adventures I am sure.

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